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Slides, exercises and extra files for the Linux tools course at KU Leuven

Linux tools course


This course will give an introduction to several useful Linux tools useful in academic research and everyday use of the system.


This course is primarily targeted at current VSC-users


Total duration: 4 hours.


Free of charge


Having a basic knowledge of Linux is expected (if not please follow first the Linux-introduction course). Users that want to use VSC account for hands-on sessions should already have a VSC account created (bring the private key) and should have followed HPC introduction and Linux for HPC or should have the equivalent knowledge).



If you are planning to use your VSC account during hand-on sessions and you already asked for the vsc-account and created a key-pair, in order to speed up the vsc-account use during the practical exercise, please bring your private key with you (on your laptop or on your usb-stick) to be able to login. If you lost it or you do not remember the passphrase associated with it - we will assist you in creating a new key pair.

If you do not have KU Leuven ID (e.g. u-, r- or s- number), please contact us ( so that we can create a temporary account for you, with which you will be able to login on computers used during hands-on sessions or use wifi on your own laptop.